Dillington House Wedding of Jessica & René

Oh what a beautiful warm early summers day it was the other day, and the most perfect day for a wedding. Serge (otherwise known to family and friends by his second name René and to how I will refer to him from now on) and Jessica were to marry at the idyllic venue that is the very lovely Dillington House in the heart of the Somerset countryside. So, we have the perfect weather, the perfect couple and the perfect setting, what more could you want?

Now Jessica and René’s wedding was a very colourful affair, and a truly multicultural event! René’s family are all originally from Cameroon, and now mostly reside in Paris although there were family all the way from home attending. Jessica on the other hand orginally comes all the way from down under in good old Australia, so she too had family attending that had litterally transcended the globe just to be with the happy couple on their special day. Listening later to the speeches it also seems that we had people from Brasil, New Zealand, various European countries as well as folk from right round the far reaches of our own shores here in the UK, what a great mix.

Jessica and René opted to marry in Dillington House’s very lovely Orangery and the happy but touching ceremony brought more than a tear or two to quite a few eyes. Married at last and out into the glorious sunshine to celebrate with family and friends, soaking up the warmth and the champagne of course and enjoying Dillington’s wonderful grounds. A few formal family pictures later and then a little wander with Jessica and René into the beautiful bluebell woods before heading to the Theatre for the wedding breakfast.

A sumptuous feast, speeches given and it was time to head back to the main house to cut the wedding cake and then onto the dance floor for Jessica and René’s first dance as man and wife.

A final surprise before the disco kicked in proper to see out the night, sparklers for everyone outside the Orangery, lit up the night sky and brought more laughter, well you are never too old for sparklers are you!

A few images from the day …

bride getting ready with bridesmaids
final check ups for bride
bride escorted downstairs
bride enters the orangery
bride meets groom
bride and groom together
bride and grrom exchange rings
first kiss as man and wife
bride and groom leave Orangery
confetti tunnel
drinks on the lawn
colourful dress for guest
bride and groom take a stroll
bride and groom in the woods
bride and groom amongst the bluebells
bride and groom in the summer sun
bride and groom take a few quiet moments
welcome to the wedding reception
bride and groom enter reception
top table at wedding speeches
father of the groom raises toast
bride throws the bouquet
bride and grooms first dance
spaklers outside the Orangery
sparkler fun
bride and groom sparkle together

Credit where credit is due!

Venue – Dillington House

Hair & Make-up by Helen Tozer

Dress by La Sposa  Shoes by Jimmy Choo

Don’t forget, if you would like to see jessica and René’s whole wedding album when it goes live, click the following link and add your details to be automatically notified.

Dillington House Wedding

(please note we do not store your details and you will not be contacted for any other purpose other than the album notification)

These lovely details in the video below are from Jessica and René’s lovely wedding at Dillington House, we think they are a bit fab and I’m sure you will agree.

I hope you enjoy …

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