Last Saturday was Rosi and Nick’s wedding at Stockbridge Farm Barn near Sherborne in Dorset. The weather behaved (fabulous, especially after the previous weeks’ downpours), which is more than can be said for the CD player! The wedding procession had to be put on hold for five minutes whilst the more technically minded amongst us gathered round the iPod and mini hi-fi to see why the entrance song would only play for ten seconds before cutting out! Obviously no one from Apple or indeed Sony in the house, so plan A was abandoned and a car was brought up to the back door of the barn!
Barn door open wide, iPod plugged into car stereo, car door open, and volume ramped up…and what do you know; we had us a bridal procession!
So, all’s well that ends well, and I guess you could say it added something to the whole proceeding, it certainly provided a laugh, calmed a few nerves perhaps, but without doubt it will definitely be a talking point for many a year to come!
The rest of the day I can say went without any other incidents other than everyone had a great time, as hopefully the few images I have chosen from the very many will show, so without further ado … enjoy :-)
(P.S. Don’t forget, if you want to be notified when Rosi and Nick’s complete online wedding album goes live, preregister your details here – Stockbridge Farm Barn Wedding)
Rosi & Nick’s Wedding inspiration board, all the lovely details from the Stockbridge farm barn wedding in Dorset.