Yalbury Cottage Wedding of Sue & Paul

On Friday I had the pleasure of a new venue for me, joining Sue & Paul for their Yalbury Cottage wedding near Dorchester (voted ‘Small Hotel of the Year 2015’ by The Good Hotel Guide.

We were blessed with a beautiful sunny day, and when I arrived I was surprised to find that Sue and Paul were getting ready together – obviously it’s usual here in the UK for the groom not to see the bride before the wedding, but Sue and Paul decided to flout tradition and do as they pleased; which meant sharing their entire wedding day, including the morning, with not only each other but their guests too.

Once they were dressed in their wedding finery they met with their closest family and friends on the lawn before the couple travelled to Dorchester together in white Rolls Royce. The ceremony itself was at the Corn Exchange in Dorchester – but traffic was very heavy, and five minutes before the ceremony we were still missing half the guests, a Best Man and Sue’s daughter who was Bridesmaid! Thankfully there was no stress as the registrars had no further engagements, and in the end they turned up just in time!

Bride and groom together before wedding

With a small party of just twenty five guests celebrating the day with Sue & Paul, there was a special warm and intimate atmosphere to the wedding party when they returned to the glorious Yalbury Cottage gardens for champagne & canapés in the sunshine.
I left the group chatting easily in the afternoon sun before they headed in to enjoy some of Yalbury Cottages award-winning cuisine for the wedding breakfast.

bride and groom in the rolls royce
bride and groom walk down the aisle together
wedding vows at town hall
couple relax and enjoy ceremony
couple exchange wedding rings
Couple exchange wedding promises
couple are finally married
couple ready to exit ceremony
couple step into wedding car
Yalbury Cottage Wedding celebrations with friends
drinks and canapes in the Yalbury Cottage Wedding gardens
friends and family all together

If you would like to see Sue & Paul’s whole wedding album when it goes live, click the following link and add your details to be automatically notified.

Yarlbury Cottage Wedding

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