Buckland Newton Dorset Farm Wedding of Emily & Tim

It’s been quite a tough year for Emily and Tim.

Leaving family and friends behind to start a new venture taking on a farm in Dorset.

First they get a hard winter, the snow hits when least expected. Then they get the hottest, dryest summer on record for decades, all very challenging for anyone let alone someone just starting out in the farming world.

But Emily and Tim have survived it all and have emerged stronger and more resolved than ever.

And with their two lovely little girls they were determined to end their summer with a huge bang!

A fabulous Wedding to remember forever …… and indeed it was.

Congratulations Emily and Tim x

Just a few of the very many …..

mum and daughter get ready
boys arrive
boys head to church
flower girls wait
bridesmaids arrive
process to church
bride readies to enter church
at the altar
being good
taking it all in
wedding vows
leaving as a family
marquee reception
going for a ride
farmers and their cows
masters of all they survey
kids are entertained
wedding reception
first dance
bride and groom
pathway of light

Credit where due!

Catetering – Louisa Loasby

Florist and Cocktail Bar – Floralshaker

Marquee – Taddle Fram Tents

Band – Tweed of Bourbon

Pizza Van – Hidden Pizza    Icecream Tricycle – Ecco Gelato   Cake – Barbers Cheese    Mobile Bar – The Paddock

Kids Entertainment/Nanny Service – The Wedding Crecherz

To see Emily & Tim’s whole wedding album when it goes live, click the following link and add your details to be automatically notified.

Buckland Newton Dorset Farm Wedding

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