Mortons House Wedding of Hester & Fares

If you’re looking for a perfect rual Dorset country house wedding venue, then a Mortons House Wedding is about as perfect as it gets. Your very own manor house in the heart of one of the quaintest and most traditional of villages in Dorset – come on, there’s even a ruined castle as a backdrop!
Below is a real wedding story of a recent Mortons House Wedding – it’s Hester & Fares’ big day.
If you’re looking for a photographer for your own wedding at Mortons House in Corfe Castle, do get in touch – I’d love to have a chat about your own plans!

Last Saturday saw me returning for another Mortons House Wedding in Corfe Castle – this time for the wedding of Hester and Fares.
The couple live in Amman, and they had already had a Jordanian ceremony with Fares’ family; this then was the English leg, with just a few close friends making it from their own corners of the globe to join the English contingent from Hester’s side.
We had previously chatted via Skype, but as the couple only flew in on the Wednesday, the wedding day itself was my first chance to meet them in person (to be fair this is becoming more and more common, even when the couple don’t live in another country!).

I arrived at Mortons House Hotel after lunch – Hester and Fares had chosen a later than usual ceremony time of 3,30, which allowed me the luxury of a later start! The whole day was spent at the hotel, so I joined the girls first in Hester’s busy room where make up and hair were well under way. She had been a little nervous about her dress – bought here in the UK from Anthropologie’s wedding department BHLDN, Hester had then flown it back to Amman with her and asked a local tailor to make the changes needed. Her worries at leaving her dress with an unknown backstreet tailor were unjustified however – he had done a perfect job, and the dress fitted beautifully.

I left them for a while to go and find the boys who were in a cottage in the grounds – and found them sitting out in the sunshine in their pj’s, clearly pretty relaxed about this whole wedding deal!

When I returned to the girls everyone was ready – even though there was still a good 40 minutes until the ceremony. Hester looked stunning in her DHLDN intricately beaded Etoile Aurora gown, and the highlight theme of softest pink was echoed in the voile skirt of her young bridesmaid’s dress. The colour scheme followed through the flowers, of course, with cream roses combined with the odd soft pink one for warmth and colour.

The young bridesmaid proudly lead Hester and her father down to the oak panelled drawing room for the simple and happy ceremony. One of the readings drew a few tears from Hester, but her nephews raised a roomful of laughs as ringbearers as they each thrust a ring towards the couple.

Once they were officially husband and wife, Fares and Hester led their guests outside into the terrace as the sun was finally breaking through for drinks and canapes.
Then everyone moved to the front of the hotel into the courtyard to enjoy the sunshine and to take the few formal photographs Hester and Fares had requested.
Set list completed, the couple and I took a saunter through the village, following the High Street up to the Castle (you can’t get married in Corfe without actually getting a few shots with the castle, can you?). Hester didn’t feel that her shoes were up to the walk, so she opted for a barefoot stroll, flashing her ‘something blue’ toenails from under her dress. Brilliant!
Before long we headed back to the hotel and guests in time for the wedding breakfast and speeches. The couple had decided they wouldn’t have an official evening reception, preferring to keep it as a natral follow-on to the meal, relaxed party with nibbles and an ipod playlist.

I slipped Hester & Fares away once more to an area I know just outside the village with beautiful English views and a stunning yellow rape field for a few more photographs as the sun was going down. Then I dropped them off back at the hotel, and with a couple of night time hotel shots as a goodbye I left them to rejoin their guests.

bride prepares for Mortons House Wedding

Congratulations Hester and Fares – and thank you so much for allowing me to be part of your day. I had a wonderful time with you, and look forward to catching up soon.

a last look out of the window
bridal party comes downstairs
oak room at Mortons House Wedding
vows in the Oak room at Mortons House Wedding
bride and groom leave the ceremony room
selfie time with the girls
Mortons House Wedding corfe castle
Bride and groom at corfe castle from Mortons House Wedding
Mortons House Wedding bride and groom walk back to the reception
wedding speech time
grooms speech at reecption Mortons House Wedding
romantic sunset walk from Mortons House Wedding
bride and groom enjoy the dorset countryside
evening Mortons House Wedding courtyard

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Mortons House Hotel Wedding

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All the lovely details from Hester and Fares Dorset wedding at Mortons House Hotel in Corfe ….

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