Gorwell Farm Barn Wedding of Rutendo & Marc

A Gorwell Farm Barn Wedding is a fabulous venue for a rural Dorset wedding by the sea – within a stones throw of the famous coast, and yet tucked away in the folds of hills behind Golden Cap, set in its own private valley.
Below is a real wedding story of a recent Gorwell Farm Barn wedding – it’s Marc & Rutendo’s big day.
If you’re looking for a photographer for your own wedding at Gorwell Farm Barn, do get in touch – I’d love to have a chat about your own plans!

Last Saturday dawned mild and grey, but with the promise of sunshine to come. I arrived for the Gorwell Farm Barn Wedding in good time, and headed back to the cottages to meet up with Rutendo. It was soon clear this was to be no quiet and peaceful wedding – her family had taken all the cottages to get ready in, and there was a constant flux of people in and out as they dipped between the cottages and helped and chatted and enjoyed their wedding preparations.

I left the busy noise briefly to nip into the wedding barn – I like to capture the space decorated, but not yet filled with people, I like the air of waiting that settles over the perfect flowers and unlit fairy lights.

I headed back to join the Bridal party for the last of Rutendo’s preps, seeing her hair and make up complete but having to leave before she was into her dress to make sure I made it to the church on time.

The wedding ceremony was at St Annes church in Radipole, a tiny little parish church on the edge of Weymouth twenty minutes away. The traffic was clear, and I arrived in good time – but there were already guests in the pews. Slowly the church filled as more guests arrived, and Rutendo’s family began singing in the pews, creating a warm and lively atmosphere that was to last for the whole day.

Before long Marc arrived with his groomsmen (sporting my favourite Groom’s jacket for a long time), and the sun decided to put in an appearance too – clearly cheered on by the singing!

The bridesmaids arrived just a minute or so before Rutendo herself – the older ones looking stunning in long-sleeved sparkling dresses, and the little flower girl suitably adorable in white tulle.
Rutendo followed them in a beautiful red and cream vintage Humber Sceptre with her Mum and Dad, and the bridal party readied themselves for their entrance.

Marc showed no nerves from what I could see; happy excitement was flooding the whole church as Rutendo walked down the aisle. The church service was as lively as I’d expected, filled with more singing and dancing – once the couple were officially husband and wife, they exited the church escorted by Rutendo’s Nana dancing them down the aisle.

We left the church and the guests, taking the scenic route back to the barn so that Marc and Rutendo could enjoy the hills above Abbotsbury for a brief quiet spell before heading back down to Gorwell Farm Barn where their friends & family were waiting to welcome them gleefully with confetti as an African drum and dance group got everyone on their feet and moving.
Far from the usual drinks and canapes reception at an English country wedding, it wasn’t long before all the guests were dancing along outside the barn, with the two families mixing, lots of children playing, the atmosphere was loud and fun and so very happy.

By late afternoon it was time to head into the barn for the buffet wedding breakfast, followed by all the speeches – eight or nine of them, interspersed with music form the DJ which lead to lots of spontaneous dance outbreaks.

Marc & Rutendo had asked me if we could visit the bluebell woods in the valley, so once they had cut the cake we took a short break and had a quiet wander in the woods down by the lake.
We returned to barn where Rutendo slipped away to change into her evening dress (a stunning long gown as sparkling as the bridesmaids), and then the DJ/MC/videographer produced a slideshow of the day for them, before opening the dancing.
In a break with UK tradition Rutendo danced first with her father, before stepping out with Marc, and then the dancefloor filled with the sound of the Falltones as I took my leave.

What a fabulously fun and happy day – thank you Marc & Rutendo, and I wish you all the happiness for your future together. Congratulations!

bride arrives at church

Here is just a taster from the day….just a few from the very many ..

young bridesmaid prepares to enter
bride and dad at the church door
bride and groom exchange rings
happy couple are finally married
newlyweds shre a moment over signing the register
happy couple exit the church door
newlyweds leave the churchyard
bride happily grins out of wedding car window
family and friends see them off
Gorwell Farm Barn Wedding
country farm views for Gorwell Farm Barn Wedding
Gorwell Farm Barn Wedding confetti
african music at Gorwell Farm Barn Wedding
Gorwell Farm Barn Wedding authentic dance
Gorwell Farm Barn Wedding reception
speeches at Gorwell Farm Barn Wedding
Gorwell Farm Barn Wedding in bluebells
bluebells at Gorwell Farm Barn Wedding
a quick stop by the lake at Gorwell Farm Barn Wedding
happy couple enjoy a kiss
strolling down the lane
dads dance with his daughter
happy couple enjoy their first dance

Credit where due!

Wedding Car – Perfect Day Wedding Services

Venue – Gorwell Farm Barn

Wedding Planner – Dream Designs Dorset

Florist – P&M Read       Band – The Falltones       DJ/Toastmaster/video – Timm2Soxx Entertainment

Itlaian Gelato – Boho Gelato     Prop Hire – Taddle Farm Tents     African Music  – ACDarts    Caterer – Eat Jollof

Wedding Dress by YVE London     Men’s Attire – Morandi Bocci    The wedding cake by Auntie Mary!

To see Rutendo & Marc’s whole wedding album when it goes live, click the following link and add your details to be automatically notified.

Gorwell Farm Barn Wedding

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All the lovely details from Rutendo and Marc’s Dorset wedding at St Annes Church in Radipole Weymouth and Gorwell Farm Barn nr Abbotsbury …

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