Louise and Kieran’s Beach Wedding in Bournemouth

Friday’s Beach Wedding in Bournemouth was a bit of a surprise day for me. I hadn’t actually met Louise and Kieran before the wedding – and in fact we hadn’t even exchanged a phone conversation since early in the summer, due to the fact that they’d opted for a pre-wedding honeymoon and had spent the last two months travelling around Asia and Australia. They arrived back home the week of the wedding – something that I know would give most of my brides total nightmares, but Louise took the whole thing in her stride, setting the tone for the one of the most relaxed and fun weddings it has been my pleasure to photograph.

I started the day down at the beach, meeting Kieran just as he came down the cliff lift with his groomsmen as they began setting up the signs on the beach.
Then it was up in the cliff lift myself to meet Louise with her Dad and Bridesmaids; there were clearly zero nerves today, Louise’s enthusiasm and sheer excitement at getting married meant she could hardly wait for the slow lift down the cliff!

My first barefoot bride (and also my first bride in Birkenstocks!), Louise vigorously kicked off her shoes – literally – as soon as she reached the sand, and the bridal procession looked fabulous with the wind whipping their dresses, the bridesmaids in varying shades of blue which echoed the thankfully-gorgeous September sky.

The wedding itself was a totally personal, laughter-filled ceremony, with songs and music from a kazoo (another wedding first) and keyboard, a lot of pina colada, a beautiful reading of ‘If I Had My Life to Live Over‘ and an extract from Philip Pullman. The wedding marquee was filled with a lot of love, fun and happiness.

Once Louise and Kieran were officially Mr & Mrs the guests enjoyed a drinks reception on the beach, and we squeezed in a quick group photo before the happy couple braved the confetti tunnel to the promenade. Once there, everyone piled onto three land trains which took us along the sea front to the Urban Reef cafe bar for a Barbecue lunch and drinks.
I managed to extract the couple from their guests for a brief walk on the beach for a little quiet time and some fun photos just the two of them.

Soon it was time to head back along the promenade on the land trains to make the Marriott for the evening reception.
As we began climbing the hill from the promenade the weather finally gave up on us and we had to make a mad dash to avoid the worst of the rain – Kieran gallantly carried Louise the final stretch, much to her amusement!

The rain was a bit inconsiderately timed, so I finished the last few formals in a reception room at hotel before taking my leave of the couple as they settled their guests for the wedding breakfast and speeches.

Congratulations Louise and Kieran – I admit I thought you were crazy going away right up to the wedding. But it was a perfect day, and I had so much fun with you – thanks for letting me be part of it.


Groom arrives in cliff lift


bride and father in hotel
bride in cliff lift
bride kicks off her shoes
bridal party processes on beach
groom greets brides father
bride and groom enjoy ceremony
exchanging wedding rings
bridesmaids and pina colada song
bridesmaids enjoy the show
man and wife at last
bride and groom dance down the aisle
taking it all in
flowergirls enjoy the beach
confetti tunnel time
all aboard the land train
urban reef for lunch
happy couple enjoy some freedom
bride and groom enjoy romantic moment
run wild run free
quiet moment
on the train again
run from the in coming rain
groom carries his bride from the rain to hotel

Credit where credit is due!

Venues – Beach weddings Bournemouth

Urban Reef

Marriot Hotel Bournemouth

Flowers – Parkstone Florist

Transport – Bournemouth Land Trains

If you would like to see Louise & Kieran’s whole wedding album when it goes live, click the following link and add your details to be automatically notified.

Bournemouth Beach wedding

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All the fab details from Louise and Kieran’s fabulous, funny, mad, beautiful wedding on Bournemouth Beach, then on to Urban Reef and finally to the Marriot hotel all with the aid of the stupendeous Bournemouth land Train of course!

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