
Dorset Wedding at Sherborne Castle | Kate & Rod

After the recent run of ‘interesting’ wedding weather, I was glad that last Saturday’s Dorset Wedding at Sherborne Castle seemed set for some rather unremarkable Autumnal cloud – with no rain forecast!

I joined Kate, her mum and her bridesmaids in the Castle Courtyard where they were getting ready (with Rod’s Mum popping in and out!) in the old stable block.

The ceremony wasn’t until 2.30, but when I  wandered down to the Orangery just before 1 I found Rod and his best man – so determined to ensure he wasn’t late, he was there way too early! So I duly sent him off for a walk around the grounds for a while.

Back to Kate who was just getting into her amazing dress. Created by her Mum, it was a fantastic fit and flare shape in heavy taupe silk with open cutwork on the bodice and a fabulous ruffled train. The two adult bridesmaids gowns were in similar shades of taupe, and all three were accessorised with the elegantly simple creamy flowers that ran through the day.

A vintage car collected them, despite the Orangery being just a few hundred yards away, as Kate wanted to make her entrance without being seen as she approached.

In a nice personalised change to the usual service order, Kate’s bridesmaid sang during the signing of the register, accompanied by her husband on guitar. Officially Mr & Mrs, Kate and Rod headed out in the brief interlude of Autumnal sunshine.

The guests all soon followed, and formed a tunnel on the path to the gardens, showering a ridiculous amount of confetti over the couple as they processed. Honestly – I’m not sure I’ve ever seen so much confetti thrown!

Everyone enjoyed a soft drinks reception on the lawn – the no alcohol policy a sensible one as the guests were soon to be driving to the second venue – and we quickly got the handful of formals out the way. Once the guests had left, I followed Kate and Rod as they enjoyed a quiet stroll in the grounds of Sherborne Castle.

Once our time at the castle was up I quickly shot off to Evershot ahead of the vintage car, to meet them at Thomas Hardy’s famous Acorn Inn for the second half of the day.
I think it’s the first time I’ve photographed the speeches in a skittle alley – but what a brilliant atmosphere it was! And the cutting of cake was another break from the norm – instead of the usual tiered cake, Kate & Rod had chosen a couple of bakes from Jacobs Coffee House in Bath (which happens to be one of my personal favourite coffee shops), opting for a Hummingbird Cake and a Carrot Cake.

My day was done as the food was laid out (a brilliantly varied cold buffet indoors, with the hot food being served on the patio outside).

last minute adjustments

Congratulations Kate and Rod

bride leaves for ceremony
groom watches and waits for his bride
groom reads his personal vows
happily married
bride and groom exit the orangery
guests and family mingle on the lawn
bride and groom run the confetti gauntlet
reception in the gardens
alone time for bride and groom
A wander in the gardens
A secret kiss
A quiet moment shared
down by the lake
speeches at the acorn Inn
best man delivers speach in song
bride and groom cut the cake


Sherborne Castle

The Acorn Inn Evershot

If you would like to see Kate and Rod’s whole wedding album when it goes live, click the following link and add your details to be automatically notified.

Sherborne Castle Wedding

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All the lovely details from Kate and Rod’s Wedding in the Orangery at Sherborne Castle in Dorset and then on to the famous Acorn Inn (made so by Thomas Hardy) in Evershot.

Comments (2)

Beautiful Courtenay! Thank you so much for being with us on the day. You were great and did ‘exactly what you said on the tin’. We felt very relaxed in your company. Lovely to see these first few photos. Can’t wait to see them all!

Very best wishes


My absloute pleasure Rod, it was a lovely day, great fun and a privilage to be part of.

A package will be on it’s way to you very soon indeed!

Best wishes to you both


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