Springhead Trust Dorset Wedding of Rebecca & Paul

Rebecca and Paul came back to the UK from Hong Kong where they met, fell in love and ultimately held their legal wedding ceremony. They came back to the UK and to right here in Dorset to share their love and celebrate with family and friends by having their very own special wedding ceremony in a very special location.

A beautiful warm sunny summers day, the venue for Rebecca and Paul’s unique celebrations, the very very lovely Springhead Trust near Shaftesbury in Dorset. A relaxed, informal but well thought out day ahead, Rebecca was collected by her brother, bridesmaid and page boy from the nearby Fontmell Hotel in a wonderful horse and carriage and escorted back through the sunny Dorset lanes to the Sprinhhead Trust. Paul, family and friends greeted Rebecca’s arrival and then after a few welcome drinks under the green leaves of the spreading trees in the courtyard it was time for the whole ensemble to process through the stunning formal gardens alongside the lake to the antique Italian Rotunda for the blessing ceremony.

Rebecca and Paul declared their love uniquely through poem, sonnet and even dance before making more formal declarations in front of the family and friends, a ring then slipped upon Rebecca’s finger and two became one.

Time to reflect, share and enjoy the gardens and summer sunshine with their guests Rebecca and Paul sipped champagne and relaxed, there was even a little toe dabbling in the lake which was certainly welcome on such a warm day. Eventually it was time for everyone to meander back through the lakeside gardens to the Mill room of the Springhead Trust for the wedding breakfast.

What a superb day, and how quintessentially quirkishly English, just perfect.

If you would like to be notified when Rebecca and Paul’s wedding album goes live, please just register your interest by clicking the following link and entering your details – Springhead Wedding

In the meantime, please enjoy a few images from Rebecca and Paul’s Lakeside wedding …

outdoor wedding preparations
wedding transport
bridesmaid and page boy ride in carriage
young bridesmaid
bride ready to go
trapping down dorset lanes
bride arrives
groom and guests greet the bride
bride thanks horse for the ride
paige boy sits beneath bunting
bride and bridesmaid enter gardens
bride processes through the gardens
wedding party wanders through the gardens
wedding ceremony party
wedding by the lake
guests watch ceremony
declarations of love
wedding poetry with acting
In dance
guests enjoy ceremony
will you marry me
wedding vows taken
first kiss as man and wife
sign the book
three cheers for happy couple
bridemaid by the lake
time to dip the toes
time to chill by the lake
a summer wedding day
wedding guests relax in the lakeside gardens
through the gardens to the reception

Rebecca & Paul’s Springhead Trust Wedding Inspiration Board.

wedding details inspiration board

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