
Dorset Wedding Photographers Bride Top Tips 2013 – Liz & Martin

Today we give a warm welcome to the lovely Liz and Martin who married on a chilly March day last year at the lovely Kent wedding venue, Whitstable Castle. If you would like to read all about Liz and Martin’s Kent wedding right here on our blog, please click the following link – Whitstable Castle Wedding

Here are Liz and Martin with their top tips and favourite picture …..

Our favourite picture…has to be this one ….

First kiss for Liz & martin at their Whitstable Castle wedding Kent
First kiss for Liz & Martin at their Whitstable Castle wedding Kent

It’s our favourite picture because it captures, exactly, not just what the day was like, but what our lives are like. The kids are full on, doing their own thing, centre of attention, and cuter than cute. And there we are, in the background somewhere, just carrying on, keeping it all together. Just about. With a big kiss.

Three top tips:

1.       Chill out. In  years to come you will remember the feeling of the day, the people, the nerves, the joy and probably the dress. You will not remember the table cloths, the colour of your mother in law’s hat, or what wine you had with the third course. So calm down. Don’t sweat the small stuff.

2.       Be a teensie weensie bit selfish. You can’t please all the people all the time, so you may as well please yourselves.

3.       Make sure you’ve remembered that this is a beginning not an end. You aren’t planning a wedding, you’re planning a life together. Keep that perspective.

Love to you and yours!

Liz & Martin

Thank you both :-)

Another set of Tips tomorrow!

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